Saturday, 12 July 2014

Dragons for Mythic Asian HoTT

Just a couple of old dragons for my Japanese HoTT forces. Both are elemental dragons for water and wind. The water dragon needs re-basing ( they both do) and is an old Grenadier model I suspect.

The other is an old Ral Partha? celestial dragon, which really needs to be on a flying base of clouds. I've just found another in  the lead box which i may be able to paint up as an earth dragon. I also have a massive Imperial dragon from about twenty five years ago, again by Grenadier, but way beyond my financial means today (100 US dollars on Evilbay!! ).

I also have a massive Imperial dragon from about twenty five years ago, again by Grenadier, but way beyond my financial means today (100 US dollars on Evilbay!! ).

GW 28mm Skeletons

These are my 'long in the tooth', plastic skellies. Had a few repairs to do after some pikes were damaged when they were too deep for the tray. On taking them out to repair them I dropped the box and damaged a couple more units. Nine bases so far, three more and I'll have an army. I found a small stack of metal skellies too, so they'll make up the rest of the army sometime.
 Auxillia and Blade 



General / Hero  Chariot (Knight) and Psiloi

Light Horse


Nessie ( the Behemoth)

There are a few more bases of blades and a command base to come along with a wight, some  more gracile Ral Partha knightly skeletons plus a huge  skeletal mammoth. Don't hold your breath though, they're not likely to be finished this side of 2018.