Monday, 9 October 2017

28mm Chaos warriors

Had a bit of a break from painting while working three jobs to get a new (old) bike. Now I have transport, I'm able to finish some unfinished projects and start some new ones, one of which is a chaos army, for HoTT or my own GRASP system which is currently being revised.

Anyhow, I have a somewhat disparate collection, from true 25mm to modern 32mm, and I'm trying to combine them so the  larger figures act as champions and the smaller troops are rank and file. My first base of chaos blade are a mixture of Citadel / Games Workshop pre-slotta and  later figures. All are hunched over in some way, the later figure having a very different style to the others.  At the back is a fighter with  some sort of seahorse themed helmet(!?). 'Whatever floats your boat' I guess for the troops of chaos. He has an integrally  cast shield so is probably the earlier of the three. The second figure has a Thulsa Doom  style fascination with snakes and a separate shield so I guess he's early nineties. The third and last figure is one of the  most boring figures, really lacking in animation. whatever he lacks in style, he makes up for with a curious fascination for decay. His armour is covered in verdigris. Whilst I suspect his helmet is a relic from his days with the Khorne clan, I'm not fussy about my troops allegiances, as long as they roll lots of sixes.

Normally, I'm pretty stingy with  the grass tufts, only issuing base decorations to  successful units, but this time I went overboard and covered the base. Actually , I had a bit of a grass tuft fest decorating some home-made shell craters and some Napoleonics which were within easy reach, much easier than dipping bases in static grass and getting the fibres everywhere.